Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Hello, fans.
I just wanted to let you know that my book, Becoming Kimberly, will be in the LA Times Festival of Books on April 21 and 22.  My agent has a vendor's table and my book will be featured on the table.  there will be reps there talking up the book, and they will answer any questions they can.  I also plan to go so if you want to see me and talk with me come to the Greenberry Publishing table and I will be somewhere in the vicinity.  I will have a few books for sale, and they come with an autograph. but I will not be at the author's table signing.  Maybe next year.  Over 150,000 people are expected to attend this festival, the largest in the US. Please come out and visit.  If you are a reader, this is the place to go.
All my Love,
Rebekah Kimberly Davis
Good afternoon, good passengers of the spaceship Earth.  This is my first post on my new blog and i hope it finds you all well.  My first book, "Becoming Kimberly, A Transgender's Journey", has been out for a little more that 6 months.  The audio edition is now available on,,  and I Tunes.  If you have any curiosity about gender transition, gender reassignment surgery, or LGBTQ, please drop me a line.  I will answer as best i can.

I am currently writing a Sci Fi novel.  The  working title is "Collision Orbit".  It is basically a space opera, similar to the horse operas of the western writers.  Same stories with space ships, fusion reactors, drones, and blasters firing away instead of horses, campfires and six-guns blazing.  it is proceeding much slower than i would like, but the story is taking shape nicely.  i doubt i will reuse any of the characters in future books, but i might. 

A second Science Fiction novel is also underway, but on the back burner for a while.  it's title is "The Return of Dakar"  I leave it to my fans to figure out the significance of that.

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Good Afternoon, fellow travelers on Spaceship Earth.  Just a quick word on my latest book, Collision Orbit.  A rip-roaring, Blaster-shooting Space Opera.  Just think of the old west, the new frontiers, and how they are related.  StarShips, Diesel powered UTV's, cowboys, miners, Fusion reactors, 3 D printers (also known as Replicators), herds of cattle, and Drones.  Yes, Virginia, even in the far future on another planet around another star, people gotta eat.  Trust me when I say it won't be protein pills.  Humans are going to want meat and taters.  Somewhere down the line, that means someone has to raise cattle and till the soil.  With new planets opening up for colonization every year, and the limited supply of people willing to uproot and move to a new planet, most of the real estate will  be cheap, and plentiful for the few brave enough to accept hardship and a challenge.  The rewards are worth fighting and dying to achieve.  Sadly, there will always be humans that wish to take the easy way to riches and will KILL another human to get there.   Find  out whether good will triumph over evil or not.  The good don't always win, good reader but we like happy endings...  so look for it in the spring.  (I promise to try to finish it by then).