My generation grew up running barefoot in cutoff shorts in the summertime. Drinking water out of a garden hose. If we wanted bottled water we had to find a coke bottle and fill it ourselves. but those were worth 3 cents each at the store. bought a lot of candy bars trading soda bottles for 3 cents a pop. we rode our bikes on dirt or gravel roads with no pads, or no helmets, when we wrecked em and skinned knees, elbows, and heads, we got painted with that orange medicine that stung like crazy, merthiolate, or mercurochrome. My kids got the Purple spray we used on the hogs. Nobody got a wound infection in those days. germs were scared of that orange stuff and purple stuff. There were no car seats for infants. and no seat belts or air bags, or padded dashes.
we played with Lawn Darts. we chunked Iron Horseshoes. we chased each other around the yard with croquette mallets. You had to be tough to survive those days, and only the tough did. looking around today, perhaps we have coddled people too much. We have taken Darwin out of the equation and natural selection is no longer working to improve the breed and thin the herd. If you get nothing else from this essay, get this. there are no lifeguards on the gene pool. It has a shallow end. The shallow end is getting larger...rapidly. if that does not frighten you, maybe you are standing in the shallow end.
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