Saturday, June 1, 2024

 I have taken the weekend off work and will shortly head north to Atlanta, GA for tonight's Evening For Equality.  There are old friends to see and sure to be interesting People to meet.  We had a good year in Georgia for us Transpeople.  I like that phrase. Stop calling us Transwomen or Transmen, We are people first and foremost, so call us TransPeople. 

Sunday morning brings an early rising and check out of the Intercontinental Buckhead and in the BMW and southward bound to Daytona Beach.  The family will all be together for a brief time. Since last year's loss of one of our own, beloved son and brother, we have vowed to somehow get together each year even if only for a short visit.  

There are also plans to scatter Phil's ashes in the Atlantic. EPA says you can provided you go 3 miles offshore into international waters, but Florida has no regulation against scattering them right off the beach.

It will be a bittersweet moment. Sad that he is gone, sweet because the family will be united.

Collision Orbit is moving along nicely.  I am up to chapter 15 now.  When I paused writing that book at chapter 12 and finished the second Kimberly book, I was having a bit of writer's block.  the story was stumbling along.  Since restarting the writing, the story is beginning to move right along. I input 5 thousand words yesterday. Characterization has improved and the characters are fleshing out nicely.  If i can only hold out long enough to finish telling the story.

Writers are first and foremost, storytellers.  Like the minstrels of old, we wander from town to town carrying our own version of the news. Nowadays, with the www and cellphones, we can sit in a comfortable chair in the AC and tell our tales to the world.  That was an eye-opener for sure as the first book I wrote began selling in other parts of the world.  I simply want to meet the two people who bought my book in Japan.

So Long for now, I must go pack for Atlanta.

from beyond the Rainbow, 

yours truly


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