Wednesday, June 5, 2024

 The weekend is over and brought ups and downs.  It was a roller coaster ride right up until I arrived back home yesterday afternoon in my Daughter-in-law's Jeep.  The trip north to Atlanta was perfect.  The Evening for Equality was also. I was joined at dinner by my friend whom I met in Portland Oregon.  Lovely woman and a wonderful dinner companion. After the speeches, (Always necessary at every rubber chicken dinner) and the presentation of the annual awards, Lynnola and I went to the hotel cocktail lounge and had a drink or three.  Around Midnight, we parted ways, Lynnola to drive home and I upstairs to my luxurious room.  

After a not-so-good night's sleep, I awoke early, packed, retrieved the Beamer, and headed south to Daytona Beach. Most of the trip was uneventful except for stops for breakfast and gas, until 15 miles north of Ormand Beach, I lost the clutch. The car was still drivable, just not shiftable.  I was able to work it into 5th gear and limped the final 15 miles into the motel parking lot. That was a Down.  My oldest son Thomas and his friend managed to sus out the problem and get the clutch fixed.  Up

Dinner with the Family on Sunday evening was a UP.  Sunday my Daughter-in-law and I drove onto Daytona Beach and found a spot to scatter Phil's ashes into the Atlantic.  Very much a down.  A Very tear-filled moment. Warning, the Atlantic is now quite a bit saltier from all the tears.  Dinner on Monday evening with the two family members that missed out on Sunday and another UP.  Checked out of the motel early Tuesday morning, joined up with my Daughter-in-law, and started up I95 for home. Up.

65 miles east of Tallahassee, Florida, the Oil pressure light came on suddenly, and easing over to the shoulder, I tried to figure out what was wrong and the engine made a funny sound and died. a tiny bit of smoke wafted out from underneath the hood.  Down.  Definitely Down.

Tripple A was called and a rollback was dispatched so after about an hour's wait, they arrived, loaded the beamer up and hauled it to my house.  So far, I have not found a mechanic to fix it.

Sometimes you win, Sometimes you Lose.  Goodtime Charlie's got the blues, as the song says.

From Beyond The Rainbow

yours truly


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